GOlden Eggs Family


"Monique and Bob”
By Blake R. Horsley:
November 10th, 2018
When no end is in sight
Flowers bloom
Fallen leaves fight
Remembering the pain of yesterday
A pain that wants to play
And so the poppy seeds flow
And so the pain of yesterday goes
A path to remember is all one can do
And in this path is yesterday’s dew
A September rain
From an April’s fool
A soldier dies
So, all, can set down tools
The gun does reminisce
About a yesterday’s sorrow
And on Remembrance Day
We beg for tomorrow
Thank you Nana, for granting me life
Because of August 18th, I will never think of the knife
You are my angel
The one that guided my mother
And so Davida Horsley is in heaven
And so nothing is like another
A poppy is red
Like yesterday’s bed
Blood does heal
To this poem's end
Fin we find, through language so given
I hope to my angels
I will see you in heaven
Thank you dad, for granting me this gift
Because of you I will march, never swift
And so my happiness is found in you
Holding on to the fallen
Forever; I’ll do
"A Sister With My Mom’s Smile"
By Blake R. Horsley
November 13th, 2018
Beauty is in the eye of every bell
Letting go, trying not to yell
I sit and stare with eyes so prepared
And so her smile becomes so fair
Light and dust
Hold me hard and let go
My favourite thing to admire is her angelic stroll
Heavenly sister, you are my friend
Even when I try to pretend
For every fairy tale’s end
A beginning lights my stay
Living in a paradise of urban ways
Prisoner of nothing, letting go, yet holding hands
So our friendship sways
To a beat I try not to control
In the place that looses fear
In the place we try to steer
Watch out for a heavenly face
One that dare not leave, the most beautiful race
With traces of dust
With faces; A face loved ones lust
Letting go, is heaven’s soul
Holding on, footsteps stroll
And so my friend becomes a sibling
For she is an angel
Like heaven’s beginning
WHAT THE BLOOD CLOT? humble bumble bee
"I Do Always Love You Dad”
By Blake R. Horsley
November 13th, 2018
When one gives a breath to a baby boy
When one shares in all life’s joy
A father holds his very son
A father, who is never done
The day the birth of a father means more
The day the father is a lion’s roar
And so the moon is crescent sun
And so a man becomes a son
Walter Horsley is the name
Of the very man, the lions tame
Today the birth of his reigns true
Today good company will always brew
Seventy years and still not complete
Happy Birthday on a nameless street
The songs sing to the lord, the one above
And in this lord is a Sunday’s dove
When all we do is live for you
There is so much left on earth to do
I love my dad, I love him so
And on his birthday;
I’ll never let him go
When the walls come down; Friends are found!
A Best Friend
By Blake Horsley
November 15th, 2018
Vanessa is her name
The woman with the lion’s mane
She carries a soldier in her arms
She is the source of all her charm
Sweet to the soul her voice does speak
Moving mountains with her walk, to an angels peak
And so the sound of whispers brew
And so her voice will sing to you
A friend she is with blessed feeling
And all her family in lord are kneeling
I love the conversation she always sparks
She even has a dog who barks
A mother figure through and through
A soft hug is all I’ll do
She is a friend, almost at instance
And in her house I find my stance
She makes me think of the girl I love
She makes me look at the clouds above
She is a person I love to show
The rest of everything I’ve already let go
I’m glad to god she is my friend
For I am happy; I won’t pretend
And so her friendship will never fade
And so a bond is forever made
The Return To Innocence;
It Is The Love That Travels Time
By Blake R. Horsley
If I could go back in time, I'd only go back so far
To the day I met you, and offered you a drive in my car
For before then, in life, so far I have seen so much
And much of which had been without your blessed loving touch
I wish, if I could, to build a time machine to travel
So far I would go back to my favourite time unraveled
This machine would take me to a place I've already been
The time I would travel to would make my dreams come true again
I would go back in time and do it all over
I would go back in time to the point where I met my best friend and lover
To the place I remember striking a conversation
To the place that made love grow without hesitation
If I could travel through time I would say hello to you all over again
And wait with anticipation for our infinite love, we both know, has no end
I travel through today with you by my side
And though a machine is not real I like moving forward in the car we still ride
I imagine travelling through time to when I met you
Because just the thought of doing it all over again makes all of my dreams come true
Today I look back to a brief point in time
Today I look at you and only love, I can find
I love you Amanda, and as I feel this time slows down
And when I think back in time I freeze the thoughts of when our love was first found
Our love has a beginning, and I smile when I think of it
But I'll let time move forward, right now, just a bit
For as it continues our love grows ever stronger
As I spend my life with you, forever and longer

Whispering Medicine
By Blake R. Horsley
November 16th, 2018
When a mother passes on
Dreams and dares come upon
Feeling the motion
Swimming freely
Gliding to a medicated state
Someone’s daughter lays out her hand
And we move on
The story goes forever
The story goes until time will no longer hesitate
Following one’s own way
And so a unicorn guides the bird upon it’s perched resting place
We leave love to be unified
We are human so identified
Let go move on; Hold up, hold on
You will not suffice
You must first sacrifice
The dreams come true
The dreams are you
You imagine gliding through a daughter’s land
What are we, more than human
And so it goes, on forever like lost souls
Seagulls beg, life comes and goes
We let the presence hit our beak
We fly to the wind to the highest peak
And so we whisper
And forever speak
This performance is proof of heaven. This is why I want to sing to the stars!
my favourite song is proof I am still alive.
By Blake R. Horsley
I know not what to say
In bliss, white backgrounds create a source of play
Communion is fasted between blessings
No amount of failure will have me undressing
And so, these words hit empty thought
For all the words in language are sought
Peace be upon you, shalome is my neighbour
And so our suits are warn, and so they are tailored
Cleanse the drought within your belly
Let go, but hold on, trying hard not to be silly
I know not what to write, for I am comforted by the words of buddha
Asking for forgiveness, aiming not to shoot ya
These words reflect an empty mind
Words of confusion left to unwind
A Bed I Lie In
By Blake R. Horsley
November 22nd, 2018
Inner voices express worry
Peaceful sounds come in a hurry
Water hits the pavement, with a shining movement
I dance to evolve
I dance to adapt
With music that touches me
Like God does heavens clutch
I try not to be afraid
But the sun has refrained from my sight
And so I am left with only street light
I hurt when I focus on my pain
The snow has come
There is no more rain
I try to follow my own way
In a delirious state of stay
I hope to remain strong
I pray for existence to be long
As I listen to my favourite songs
I don’t know what to write
But I do know I will not give up my fight
I am not drowning, I am forever trying
In a made bed I lie in
Skin faded red, stronger because I am trying
Words come out of me with aimed intention
Memories I hold onto, with so much I need not mention
Heaven’s dust makes my shadow grow
I lean into a refracted state that is magical
And so I end with thoughts I adore
And so my life can only sore
I love the gift my pain has brought
For today there is no pain, just only thought
By Blake R. Horsley
November 23th, 2018
I lie in the grass to feel the blue sky
The sun is setting
Past mistakes have me questioning why
I turn my back to the sun and feel its warmth
I turn my face to the clouds and feel so much
I begin to sing with divine intention
I flush away my sins
I beg for release from the afflictions that possess me
I don’t know what has come over me
But I begin to feel heavenly
I sing to the birds
The ones that fly above
I notice one that lands on a post in my view
It stares at me
I think of you
I think of god and so my thoughts begin to meditate
I claim nothing but feel so much
I aim at one thing, begging for the touch
The one that comes from Jesus
The one that gives me hope
And so I beg for forgiveness from the mistakes
The ones that make me choke
I love where I lie
I love where I am
I am in a world surrounded by heaven
I lead my voice to a song I make up
I want to be strong, from the clouds I now duck
Let me be I ask, from the self inflicted pain I possess
I let go of gravity
I am in a state of happiness
The Lion’s Room
By Blake R. Horsley
November 27th, 2018
The leaves blow into a winter’s abyss
This year has been painful
This year I won’t miss
Lessons have come and gone
I’m just trying to do what’s right
I’m just trying to stand still and strong
The pain has come
The pain has left
Autumn leaves in winter are all that’s left
I run to the wind
I beckon to the birds
I cannot let go of past mistakes
I try to let go of past words
Scattered amongst the sky
Reasons have me dreaming
Contemplating, asking why
I hurt when the pen does not hit paper
My spirit inside feels like a vapour
I know not where to rest
And so I pound on my beating chest
I cannot stop contemplating a heart beat that travels fast
Left alone, with a melancholy past
But I am strong, I have survived
And I must acknowledge I am still alive
I see friends in every direction
The clouds block the sun’s perfection
Sadness dissipates
Memories contemplate
I am left alone with only thought
I have come so far, with energy so brought
I will not suffice, only to have forgot
Outside the lion’s room, my predictions come true
This experience weighs heavy, but I am certain
I will come through
To happy endings
To see the sky
To new beginnings
I will forever try
And so the tears dry in my eyes
And so there is no reason left to cry