A Book Of The Mind
"Happiness feels like heaven, and its memory is reason for hope
when life makes it hard to breathe, and days seem impossible to face."

When the seat in which I sit, the size of the earth in which I explore, becomes so beautiful that my mind can no longer accept it to be real, my reality becomes controlled by the very imagination that tries so hard to understand it.
I force myself to journey away from the very heaven I have found and I am left alone with myself and the ripple in the water in which my reflection now lies.

As I look into his being I find only ugliness as my mind cannot escape the eyes staring back. Fighting to choose whether to breathe, to live, and to keep my candle a flame as the world I share with my reflection smothers and blinds me from the universe in which I now feel abandoned, I have no choice but to decide,
Do I leave the knife where it lies, or take it, so that I can esape the heaven I no longer can find?
The universe, through all this, I fear, more than anything. My life, through all this, I hate even more.
This book
is a conversation, I had with myself.
THIS BOOK is more than
THE MIND that created it.
Discover the profound journey of 'A Man With Glasses' by Blake Horsley.
Beyond the realm of conventional literature lies a remarkable work of art, 'A Man With Glasses.' This book transcends the boundaries of the mind that gave it life, inviting the reader into a world where imagination and raw, unvarnished truths converge.
While it delves into the depths of the author's mental health challenges, this work of literature is a testament to the beauty born from the darkest recesses of the human psyche. Within these pages, you'll witness a mind that once teetered on the brink of despair, only to rise, embracing acceptance, and creating a symphony of beauty that artistry alone can capture.
Consider this book a canvas of the soul. As an artist, Blake Horsley bares his innermost truths with brutal honesty and haunting beauty. The words within are a poetic, honest, and real reflection of the author's journey, intimately intertwined with art that breathes life into each page's profound truths.
'A Man With Glasses' is more than a memoir of mental health struggles; it is an exploration of life itself. In our shared human experience, suffering is a familiar companion, sometimes self-inflicted, yet within every struggle lies the potential for transformation. This book illuminates the path to turn thoughts toward a brighter, more comforting future. It teaches us the art of relinquishing the past, embracing the present, and setting our sights on a future where the mind regains control—a challenge that stands as the author's greatest triumph.
Initially driven by a desire to change the world, Blake Horsley's words become a lifeline for his own healing. Readers of this book can find solace and hope within its pages. 'A Man With Glasses' is a testament to the boundless strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of words to inspire, heal, and transform the lives they touch.
This book is not just about Blake's mental health challenges, but more about his imagination, the beauty it can see and transform into its own creation, and a mind that for a period of time allowed itself to decay and almost give up entirely, while creating nothing but despair through words that reflect the author's suffering. This very mind eventually comes to a state of acceptance and grows to create nothing but beauty that through art can be preserved in its entirety.
This book is intended to be a work of art.
As an artist, Blake reveals truths about himself that are both brutally honest and hauntingly beautiful. The writing throughout is as real and poetic as it could possibly be. The art that sits beside it, connects to the very truth written on each page.
In this book Blake Horsley starts off by stating he wants to help the world. In the end his words end up helping himself.
These very words could do the same for others.

My wings take me here.
The wind is the reason.